Last week was a really good week for Operation Eyesight. We released our 2010 Report to Donors and shared the impact of the past year with our guests at Operation Eyesight’s 48th Annual General Meeting.

This year, we found it particularly inspirational to look back at a highly successful year, and also to look forward at the emerging opportunities on the horizon. Daniel Etya’ale, MD, executive director of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness’s African region, was in Calgary to speak at our AGM. He confirmed that Operation Eyesight is on the right track, and that our hard work is paying off.
Of course, at the very heart of our successful work is the generosity of our supporters around the world – people like you. Because of your gifts, millions of people have been spared the tragedy of needless blindness. They are able to carry on with their lives and provide for their families.
In addition, thousands of lives have been transformed and even saved from death as Operation Eyesight works to eliminate the root cause of blinding diseases like trachoma, and to provide basic sanitation and clean water. These are key components that open up the door to sustainable socioeconomic development – this is how avoidable blindness will be beaten.
Imagine a day when people no longer fear for their eyesight. Dr. Etya’ale believes that day is coming sooner than later – amazing!
Operation Eyesight is at the forefront of these efforts, and you are helping make it possible. Thanks to your generous support, we’re working to address the factors that are causing people to lose their sight. I invite you to read the facts about our successes in our new Report to Donors, and also watch the video of Dr. Etya’ale in last week’s blog.
Thanks again; your support is valued! We look forward to working with you in the year ahead. Together, we are building sustainable eye care services that will prevent unnecessary blindness from happening in poor countries.