Donor’s Generosity Helps Others – During Her Lifetime and Beyond

Written by Admin, published on July 24, 2018 Give the Gift of Sight

Thank you Margaret (pictured above), for making a difference in the lives of so many with your gifts.

A few years ago, we were sad to say goodbye to Margaret, an incredible donor whose kindness has lasted beyond her lifetime.

Margaret started giving to Operation Eyesight back in 1964. In a letter, she told us why.

My beloved brother, older than I by 10 years, went blind and soon after died from diabetes insipidus. I saw how hard it was for an adult who goes suddenly blind to cope in a world organized for the sighted. Not long after my brother’s death, I heard about Operation Eyesight, and missing him so much at Christmas, I decided to give what I would have spent on a gift for him to the cause of helping people regain their sight wherever possible. Ever since, I give what I can at Christmas and whenever a friend dies, and the relatives do not give a specific request for donations, I give to Operation Eyesight. The work you do is remarkable, working to preserve sight and restore it when you can.

For years, Margaret kept Operation Eyesight in her heart, giving the Gift of Sight to people in need. Sadly, Margaret has passed away, but her impact lives on in a gift she left Operation Eyesight in her will.

Thank you, Margaret, for making our world a better place for so many people. We’re sure your brother would be proud.

If you would like to leave a gift in your will for Operation Eyesight, please get in touch with us at or give us a call at 403-283-6323.