All-female healthcare team to run mobile vision clinic in northern India

Today, on International Women’s Day, we are excited to tell you about an innovative project we are undertaking in partnership with NorQuest College (Edmonton, AB) and the Rotary Eye and ENT Hospital (Udhampur, India). The goal of the project is to give people in a rural district in northwest India greater access to eye health… Continue reading All-female healthcare team to run mobile vision clinic in northern India

Love at clear sight: Man sees wife properly for the first time after cataract surgery

Imagine not knowing what your wife looks like until three years after you’ve gotten married. That was the case for 40-year-old Wasim in India. When Wasim got married, he had already started developing cataracts. The couple was blessed with a son, but Wasim’s deteriorating vision was making life difficult for the family. He couldn’t work,… Continue reading Love at clear sight: Man sees wife properly for the first time after cataract surgery