Thanks to the incredible support of our donors, we drilled 21 new water wells in Zambia’s Sinazongwe, Luano and Ngabwe districts last year. The new wells are serving a population of more than 7,750 people. This brings our total count to 106 wells, serving more than 26,500 people. To maintain the new pumps at each well,… Continue reading Thousands in Zambia Have Hope For The Future Thanks To You!
Author: Admin
2017 Was An Exciting Year For South Asia, Thanks To You!
India had an exciting year! Thanks to our donors and partners we screened more than two million people who were at risk of losing their sight. Declaring villages avoidable blindness-free is the pinnacle of our work. We’re ecstatic to say that we declared our 500th village free of avoidable blindness in 2017. With the help… Continue reading 2017 Was An Exciting Year For South Asia, Thanks To You!
Portable Eye Examination Kit (PEEK), transforms the lives of students in Kenya
Elizabeth is 22, and she’s still in her first year of high school while the rest of her peers are in their second year of university. She lives in a small village in the Trans Nzoia County in Kenya with her parents and siblings. She had quit school in 2011, having suffered from visual impairment that made studying… Continue reading Portable Eye Examination Kit (PEEK), transforms the lives of students in Kenya
How one man turned his despair into a dream and vision for millions
Brian Foster and Benny’s Restaurant enjoyed a special relationship. It’s here in this Calgary eatery that Foster imagined a plan that would shift the fortunes of a global organization. “Benny’s was my network place and a lot of ideas were hatched there,” says Foster, 70. “I solved a lot of problems over breakfast. But better… Continue reading How one man turned his despair into a dream and vision for millions