World Sight Day 2024: A Focus on Child Eye Health

For millions of children worldwide, vision loss and blindness create barriers for learning, growth and opportunities — that’s why child eye health is a focus this World Sight Day. For 17-year-old Jennifer from Ghana, blurred vision made it difficult to keep up in class — until a simple pair of eyeglasses changed her life.  “I… Continue reading World Sight Day 2024: A Focus on Child Eye Health

Toddler saved from deadly eye cancer by early diagnosis and treatment

Most toddlers keep themselves busy exploring their world with bright, wide-open eyes. So when the parents of two-year-old Shiva, from India, noticed a squint in his right eye, they knew right away that something was wrong. They took him to a government hospital where he was diagnosed with retinoblastoma. The most common eye cancer in… Continue reading Toddler saved from deadly eye cancer by early diagnosis and treatment

Donor’s Generosity Helps Others – During Her Lifetime and Beyond

Thank you Margaret (pictured above), for making a difference in the lives of so many with your gifts. A few years ago, we were sad to say goodbye to Margaret, an incredible donor whose kindness has lasted beyond her lifetime. Margaret started giving to Operation Eyesight back in 1964. In a letter, she told us… Continue reading Donor’s Generosity Helps Others – During Her Lifetime and Beyond