Peer-to-peer fundraiser combines passion for finance and philanthropy

Christian Labonte was thinking about what to do with his high school finance club, Capital Minds, during the summer of 2024. He was headed into grade 12. That summer, he had taken a one-week intensive finance course at Bentley University, in the United States. “I had an idea for a stock competition,” he says. At… Continue reading Peer-to-peer fundraiser combines passion for finance and philanthropy

Childhood friendship fuels hope for 23,000 kids in Ghana

While most Canadian schoolkids would have a hard time finding Ghana on a map, the West African country truly came to life for donor Sharon Margison when she was 10 years old. That year, her mother, then president of the Toronto YWCA, developed a close friendship with a young Ghanaian woman named Sika (also known… Continue reading Childhood friendship fuels hope for 23,000 kids in Ghana

A lifetime and legacy of giving

Garage sales, bake sales and bottle collecting – these are just some of the ways that Gwendolen Crowe, and her husband John, raised money for Operation Eyesight during their many years as donors. Although both are no longer with us, their legacy of giving continues today. When Gwendolen passed in 2020, she left our organization… Continue reading A lifetime and legacy of giving

A Vancouver donor’s dedication to the Gift of Sight

Having undergone cataract surgery himself, Vijay Verma knows just how important good vision is to quality of life. “The gift of eyesight is the best thing you can give to anybody. It just changes their whole world,” he says. “You can make donations for food and things like that, but it disappears after two days.… Continue reading A Vancouver donor’s dedication to the Gift of Sight