Herding cows is such a fundamental part of Maasai culture that it is common to hear people in that community greeting each other with, “I hope your cattle are well!” So, when 70-year-old Parmuat, a Maasai herder in Kajiado County, Kenya, thought he might have to sell off his cows, he was devastated. Several… Continue reading Cataract surgery saves cattle herder’s livelihood
Category: Eye Surgery
Restoring vision in rural India: A journey of hope
Reaching the remote village of Kachikata, in India’s northeastern Assam state, is no small task. The journey from Jorhat, the nearest city, begins by jeep on rough roads leading down to the Brahmaputra River. From there, travellers climb onto a tiny ferry, big enough only for a handful of passengers, that takes them to Majuli… Continue reading Restoring vision in rural India: A journey of hope
Gift of Sight – the gift that keeps on giving
When Florence began losing her sight to cataracts, her daughter, Rose, watched helplessly as her mother lost not only her independence but also her joy. “She was complaining that she could see smoke,” says Rose, who lives with her mother in Kakamega, located in western Kenya. “She would always say that she could see people… Continue reading Gift of Sight – the gift that keeps on giving
A father’s livelihood and hope restored
The ancient art of ‘tea plucking”’ requires the picker to identify and pluck only the freshest, newest shoots on the tea plant. It requires dexterity, speed and, most importantly, excellent eyesight. So, imagine trying to pick tea efficiently when your eyes are clouded over with cataracts. This was the situation for 36-year-old Milan, who lives… Continue reading A father’s livelihood and hope restored