20 new villages declared Avoidable Blindness-Free in Kenya

The last few months of 2022 were busy ones for Caroline Ikumu, our program manager in Kenya (pictured above at far right). She spent much of that time on the road, travelling to visit our projects in Elgeyo Marakwet County. But she isn’t complaining. The cause of all this busyness was one to celebrate. Between October… Continue reading 20 new villages declared Avoidable Blindness-Free in Kenya

The tale of the turkey bag

Art Jenkyns, founder of Operation Eyesight.

The holidays are quickly approaching, and I know many of you are looking forward to gathering with loved ones for caroling, games and of course, turkey dinner.  Although turkey dinner isn’t a tradition in my family (I eat what turkeys eat, grass and grains), after hearing a recent story shared by the Jenkyns family, any… Continue reading The tale of the turkey bag

Remembering Art Jenkyns: A dedicated father, and the founder of Operation Eyesight

This June, Operation Eyesight celebrates 58 years of our sight-saving work. In recognition of this milestone, and with Father’s Day coming up soon, I connected with Linda Jenkyns Matuska and Jim Jenkyns, children of our founder Art Jenkyns, to reflect on Operation Eyesight’s humble beginnings and the incredible man who started it all.   In… Continue reading Remembering Art Jenkyns: A dedicated father, and the founder of Operation Eyesight

Categorized as Our Work

What is hospital strengthening, and why is it important?

One of the key pillars of our work is hospital strengthening. This means that we collaborate with hospital and government partners to ensure that hospitals have the resources necessary to provide quality eye health care. Our partner hospitals are identified based on the eye health needs of the areas they serve, and then they then go through a thorough vetting… Continue reading What is hospital strengthening, and why is it important?