(Header photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels) Many of our donors around the world celebrated Easter last weekend. Easter is often seen as a time of rebirth. This holiday welcomes the change of the season – the cold days of winter are done, and new life is born. Trees and flowers bloom and animals have their young. Many of the… Continue reading Thank you for giving new hope to people like Akua and Irene!
Tag: borehole
We truly are stronger together!
In October, Operation Eyesight joined the global eye health community in celebrating World Sight Day and the undeniable fact that we’re “Stronger Together.” This theme carried through to the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness’ 10th General Assembly in Durban, South Africa, which I had the opportunity to attend. It was four days chock-full… Continue reading We truly are stronger together!
Our goal in Kenya: no more trachoma
When Operation Eyesight drilled our first well in Kenya in 2007, we were following the World Health Organization-endorsed SAFE (Surgery, Antibiotics, Face-washing, Environmental change) strategy to eliminate painful, blinding trachoma. Thanks to our amazing donors, we’ve made great progress on that goal, so much that we’re now part of a plan to completely eradicate trachoma… Continue reading Our goal in Kenya: no more trachoma
Water project brings life to Kenyan village
Access to safe water and sanitation facilities in Kenya has traditionally been a challenge, particularly in rural areas. In Ichangipusi village in Narok South District, the primary source of water used to be a laga (a seasonal riverbed). Villagers would journey more than three hours to collect water from unprotected, shallow wells dug in the… Continue reading Water project brings life to Kenyan village