World Water Day, earlier this week on March 22, tells us not to take water for granted. About five years ago Operation Eyesight realized that treatment and surgery alone were not going to win the battle to eliminate unnecessary blindness. Indeed the evidence was that a good deal of blindness could be prevented if we were… Continue reading What’s the big deal about water?
Tag: community
Six weeks, six countries
Lynda is currently on a whirlwind tour of Operation Eyesight’s program partners in each of the countries where we work. There are blossoms on the almond trees in Himanchal Pradesh and the comments circulating in this Himalayan state, as the temperatures reach above 20 C, are “winter is over and summer is coming.” Interesting how… Continue reading Six weeks, six countries
Goats, potholes, signage and bouquets
Lynne has been traveling throughout Africa since mid-February visiting the nations of Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda and Zambia. A few musings about my month spent in four African countries: Traffic: Compared to North America, the general African public has a serene obliviousness to traffic. Vehicles, not pedestrians, have right of way. Even women carrying babies aren’t… Continue reading Goats, potholes, signage and bouquets