Bringing futures into focus – the links between clear vision and quality education

Between textbooks, whiteboards and videos in class, most of the information that’s presented to kids at school is visual. So what does that mean for a child who can’t see clearly? In countries where eye health care is difficult to access, a simple eye condition like myopia (nearsightedness) can cause a student to fall behind… Continue reading Bringing futures into focus – the links between clear vision and quality education

Future back in focus for teen after vision restored

Sixteen-year-old Vanessa dreams of being a doctor someday. But when she started having trouble reading the blackboard at school, her grades began to suffer, and she worried she would never have the opportunity to study medicine.  The Grade 11 student lives in Matero, a high-density neighbourhood in Lusaka, Zambia. Last year, her school’s health club… Continue reading Future back in focus for teen after vision restored

Empowering educators

As a teacher working in special needs education in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya, Mary Benzo has seen the difference eye health care can make in the lives of students. As part of our school eye health program, we trained Mary and other school staff to do vision screenings using the smartphone app Peek Acuity. Students… Continue reading Empowering educators

Finding care in the community

When six-year-old Piu began experiencing painful watery, red eyes, blurred vision and headaches, her mother, Sathi, and father, Dipongok, were understandably worried. “I felt sad that others could read and write in class while my child was unable to do that,” Sathi says. Piu, who lives with her parents and four-year-old brother in Bangladesh, began… Continue reading Finding care in the community