Bringing futures into focus – the links between clear vision and quality education

Between textbooks, whiteboards and videos in class, most of the information that’s presented to kids at school is visual. So what does that mean for a child who can’t see clearly? In countries where eye health care is difficult to access, a simple eye condition like myopia (nearsightedness) can cause a student to fall behind… Continue reading Bringing futures into focus – the links between clear vision and quality education

The role of eye care in preventing poverty

For most of his adult life, Abraham made a living as a cobbler, supporting his wife and raising six children on his earnings. But several years ago, he started having trouble threading needles. Initially, he pricked himself repeatedly, and eventually, he couldn’t get the needles threaded at all. Due to his poor eyesight, Abraham had… Continue reading The role of eye care in preventing poverty

Clean water, clear vision: The link between water and eye health

At first, a trachoma infection looks a bit like a case of pink eye: red, irritated eyes, maybe some swelling and discharge. But for many people in the world, a trachoma infection is a serious concern. If left untreated, it can lead to severe pain, vision loss and even blindness. The bacteria that cause trachoma… Continue reading Clean water, clear vision: The link between water and eye health

Global community in action

I was recently in Kenya and Zambia, where I saw first hand the impact we are having, together.In Kenya, I attended the grand opening event for the new operation theatre at Iten County Referral Hospital’s Eye Unit in Elgeyo Marakwet County. The facility’s design and construction meet international standards and will offer access to comprehensive… Continue reading Global community in action