Are you up for an adventure?

Categories: News

Intrigued by travel and open to adventure? If Spain, China or Jamaica is on your bucket list as a destination location, why not consider booking your dream trip… while at the same time doing something athletic AND raising money to prevent avoidable blindness?

In honour of our upcoming 50th anniversary, Operation Eyesight is launching a program called Race for a Reason, which offers you the opportunity to run, walk or bike in one of these three exciting destinations, while raising money for a cause you care about.

“Whatever your level of fitness and interest, we have an option for you,” says Thérèse Takacs, our global director of philanthropy. “There are different events for all levels of fitness: walking, running, biking, 5 km and 10 km. You can access an effective self-directed training program; and you can even bring a friend or spouse to share in the fun.”

Thérèse, who has personal experience with similar adventure events, says that this program is particularly appealing. “We are very pleased to partner with Race for a Reason™, an event management company specializing in cause-related fitness and adventure travel. They have removed the hurdles and barriers, and made it very easy for you to plan your adventure.”

Race for a Reason participants will raise money to cover their own trip expenses, with a percentage of the dollars raised going to Operation Eyesight. Thérèse says her team is ready to help you generate ideas for your fundraising.

“We have some easy, effective yet fun ideas in our Fundraising Toolkit for you to consider. We can also help you set up a personal fundraising page for your own email campaign. This is the most efficient way to raise money, and it’s 100 percent tax receipt-able for your supporters.”

Each Race for a Reason travel package includes your flight, hotel (based on double occupancy) and hotel transfers, along with a meet-and-greet reception. Depending on the adventure you choose, your package can also include an in-country travel guide and/or trainer, the event registration fee, a training program and even a victory celebration.

“This is something really different, something we know our supporters will love,” says Thérèse, who urges everyone to get involved.

As if Jamaica, Spain and China aren’t exciting enough, in future, we hope to add race events in India, Kenya, Zambia and Ghana where Operation Eyesight has programs. Stay tuned!