We raise a toast to our donors

Categories: Donors

When we Canadians gather at our Thanksgiving dinner tables this weekend, many of us will be thankful for our most precious gifts: family, friends, and health. We know we’re fortunate to live in a fully-developed nation where we have universal health care and a good social support system.

As the World Health Organization points out, “Better health is central to human happiness and well-being. It also makes an important contribution to economic progress, as healthy populations live longer, are more productive, and save more.”

But what about developing countries where there may be little or no standardized health care? Where babies are blind because their mothers are too poor to have them treated? Where blind elders must beg for food because there is no medical hope for them and no money to treat them anyhow?

That’s when our donors step into the picture. They want to prevent and treat blindness wherever they can, and their generous gifts to Operation Eyesight make this possible. Together, we are making great inroads into the devastating health issue that is avoidable blindness.

And so, as we enjoy our Thanksgiving celebration, our Canadian staff and board of directors will also raise a toast to our donors in honour of your generous support. For 50 years, you have been helping us prevent blindness in the developing world, and we are most appreciative. From all of us at Operation Eyesight, a warm and heartfelt “thank you”!

What do we really think of our donors? Watch this brief video photo essay to find out!