Thanks to you, Murray Soupcoff

Categories: Donors
Children like this little girl have bright futures ahead of them, thanks to kind-hearted donors like Murray! Photo by Peter Carrette.

Operation Eyesight is very lucky to have dedicated donors who are preventing avoidable blindness. But we also couldn’t do our work without the help of those who donate their time! Although the days of Operation Eyesight being an all-volunteer organization are long past, we always appreciate those who want to help out, which is why we’re thankful for people like Murray Soupcoff.

Murray, now retired, worked as a producer for CBC Radio in Toronto. A long-time member of our Canadian Board of Directors recruited him to help write news releases and make media contacts when Operation Eyesight had an office in Toronto. Murray recalls being very impressed with the organization.

“With some charities, you can doubt that people are being helped, but not with Operation Eyesight,” Murray says. “It’s always nice to do good and give back, and it’s very gratifying to realize that your money has that kind of impact.”

Although our Toronto office closed some time ago and Murray no longer volunteers for Operation Eyesight, he became a monthly donor some years ago, and tries to give a little more each year. He enjoys reading about the people he’s helped in the patient stories in our SightLines newsletter, and is still impressed by our staff. “Everyone I’ve met has had huge enthusiasm for the projects,” he says.

We thank Murray for his unselfish giving! Operation Eyesight relies on our donors and our volunteers. Art Jenkyns spent 15 years giving his time to the organization he founded before becoming the organization’s first paid employee in 1978, and we’re so happy our volunteers are following in his giving footsteps (although we understand if they don’t offer up their basements to house the organization, like Art did!).

We hope that everyone who’s given to Operation Eyesight knows just how much we treasure their sight-saving contributions. We can’t say thank you often enough!