Building eye health awareness in Ghana

Categories: Eye Surgery, Ghana, Prevention

Like many developing countries, Ghana faces inadequate access to eye health services, which is why we’ve been working there since 2006. Our Ghana team knows that many people are fearful of accessing eye health care because of lack of awareness, poor service, distance, affordability and long wait times.

Thanks to funding from our partner Seeing is Believing, our staff worked with a local communications agency to develop print advertisements and television commercials (see samples below) that build awareness of avoidable blindness.

The ads encourage Ghanaians to treat blindness as an enemy – being fearful of it because it can destroy their livelihood, while being grateful that there is help available to effectively combat avoidable blindness. Good news: our team has noted an increase in eye surgeries in the areas where the ads are running!

One of our four print advertisements running in Ghana.

Awareness-building is vital to all of our community eye health programs. Please help us reach more people by donating to our outreach programs today. Thank you for your support!