Grey Mist Lifting

Welcome to Grey Mist Lifting!

We named our blog Grey Mist Lifting because this expression – or words like it – are commonly heard in the clinics we support. When the bandages come off after cataract surgery, patients often describe what they are experiencing. For example; “Yesterday, all I could see was a grey mist. Today, the mist has lifted. I can see again.”

We hope you enjoy the posts and we invite you to comment and join the conversation!

New eyeglasses restore a little girl’s future!

Categories: Eyeglasses, Ghana, Hospitals, Other, Our Work
Lordia has now received new prescription eyeglasses. Today, she can see more clearly!
  Lordia is a 13-year-old girl who lives in Ghana. Her parents are poor, so they wanted to ensure their daughter’s future through her education. But a couple years ago, her future looked bleak. When Lordia was 11, her teacher told her parents she was having trouble keeping up with her classmates because of her… Continue Reading New eyeglasses restore a little girl’s future!

Shabnam’s story: Community health work at its finest

Categories: Communities, India, Other, Our Work
Shabnam with other community health workers, are all working hard to educate their communities to eliminate avoidable blindness!
If you’re lucky, you chose what you wanted to study and what career interested you most. But what would it be like to live your life thinking that your future had been decided for you? Shabnam is a 32-year-old woman who lives with her husband and three children in Bhopal, India. She comes from a… Continue Reading Shabnam’s story: Community health work at its finest

Giving up isn’t an option!

Categories: Blog, Kenya, Other
Simon at home
Growing up, do you remember what some of your biggest challenges were? Did any of them make you want to give up and walk away? Now, try to imagine the challenge of growing up blind in one eye without access to professional eye care services. This was young Simon’s experience. He suffered an injury as… Continue Reading Giving up isn’t an option!

The incredible love of a mother

Categories: Blog, Eye Surgery, Ghana, Hospitals, Kenya, Other
Jerita can see
For many of us, the mothers in our lives have been incredible people. They’ve shaped our development with their love and care. A mother’s love is a beautiful thing, and it’s even more awe-inspiring when her love endures despite life-altering hardship. This Mother’s Day, I wanted to share a few stories about some loving mothers.… Continue Reading The incredible love of a mother

Fresh water can restore girls’ futures!

Categories: Clean Water, Communities, Other, Prevention, Zambia
girl with bucket
What was life like for you when you were a child? If you were like me, you probably went to school, played with friends and spent evenings having dinner with your family and possibly doing homework. Many young girls in rural Zambia are not as fortunate. Every day, these girls have to worry about how… Continue Reading Fresh water can restore girls’ futures!