Grey Mist Lifting

Welcome to Grey Mist Lifting!

We named our blog Grey Mist Lifting because this expression – or words like it – are commonly heard in the clinics we support. When the bandages come off after cataract surgery, patients often describe what they are experiencing. For example; “Yesterday, all I could see was a grey mist. Today, the mist has lifted. I can see again.”

We hope you enjoy the posts and we invite you to comment and join the conversation!

Get ready for GivingTuesday 2015!

Categories: Kenya, Prevention
GivingTuesday 2015 is one month away! You’ve probably heard of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, two days that kick off the holiday shopping season. Well, on Tuesday, December 1, people in Canada and across the globe will kick off the holiday giving season with GivingTuesday. It’s a special day dedicated to giving back around the world, and… Continue Reading Get ready for GivingTuesday 2015!

From the 1960s to today

Categories: India, News
Don and Sylvia Hatfield from Victoria, BC have been supporting Operation Eyesight since the very beginning. Don first heard of Operation Eyesight through his mother, who supported Dr. Ben Gullison’s work in India even before Art Jenkyns founded our organization in 1963. Don was a chaplain at the Canadian Forces Base in Kingston, Ontario. When… Continue Reading From the 1960s to today

Restoring sight and hope

Categories: Eye Surgery, Zambia
Losing someone or something you love can be very painful. After a significant loss, people often experience many difficult and overwhelming emotions: hopelessness, fear, anger, frustration, self-doubt, sadness. Jaa Katuta experienced all this and more. Jaa lives in a grass-thatched house near Mwinilugna, a town in the North-Western Province of Zambia. He has lived there… Continue Reading Restoring sight and hope