Grey Mist Lifting

Welcome to Grey Mist Lifting!

We named our blog Grey Mist Lifting because this expression – or words like it – are commonly heard in the clinics we support. When the bandages come off after cataract surgery, patients often describe what they are experiencing. For example; “Yesterday, all I could see was a grey mist. Today, the mist has lifted. I can see again.”

We hope you enjoy the posts and we invite you to comment and join the conversation!

GivingTuesday 2014: Six-month progress report

Categories: Uncategorized
Last December, Operation Eyesight participated in GivingTuesday – the global day of giving – for the first time. Thanks to support from our incredible donors, we raised enough funds on GivingTuesday to set five villages in West Bengal, India free of avoidable blindness! Through our Hospital-Based Community Eye Health Program in partnership with Siliguri Greater… Continue Reading GivingTuesday 2014: Six-month progress report

Saying “thank you” to Dad

Categories: Eye Surgery, India
This Sunday, many people around the world will celebrate Father’s Day. It’s an opportunity to honour dads, grandfathers and father figures for their love and support – and this week, two teenagers from Akbarpur, India, would like to say “thank you” to their fathers. Gunjan used to struggle with poor vision due to cataract in… Continue Reading Saying “thank you” to Dad

Eye surgery restores sight and hope

Categories: Communities, Eye Surgery, India, Our Work
Twenty-eight-year-old Ghousia Khannum lives with her one-year-old son and elderly parents in Padarayanapuram slum in Bangalore, India. She was forced to move back in with her parents after her husband of 12 years divorced her, saying he couldn’t take care of someone who had vision problems and wore eyeglasses. Unable to work herself because of… Continue Reading Eye surgery restores sight and hope

Wow! Four generations of supporters!

Categories: Donors
Maureen Bush is just one member of an Alberta family that’s been supporting Operation Eyesight across four generations. The story begins with Ella Marcus, Maureen’s grandmother. Ella knew Dr. Ben Gullison, whose work inspired our organization. Her son-in-law, Gordon Bush, became a donor after he lost the sight of one eye from a detached retina.… Continue Reading Wow! Four generations of supporters!

Hello world!

Categories: Other

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