Grey Mist Lifting

Welcome to Grey Mist Lifting!

We named our blog Grey Mist Lifting because this expression – or words like it – are commonly heard in the clinics we support. When the bandages come off after cataract surgery, patients often describe what they are experiencing. For example; “Yesterday, all I could see was a grey mist. Today, the mist has lifted. I can see again.”

We hope you enjoy the posts and we invite you to comment and join the conversation!

Saving sight on Asia’s largest river island

Categories: Communities, India, Our Work
Have you ever heard of Majuli Island? It’s no great surprise if you haven’t. It’s located in the Brahmaputra River in India’s remote northeastern state of Assam. Because of its isolation, the island had extremely limited health facilities, and no eye health care at all for its 150,000 people. In 2012, Operation Eyesight launched a… Continue Reading Saving sight on Asia’s largest river island

Through the eyes of a committed donor

Categories: Communities, Hospitals, Our Work
We are continuously amazed by the dedication and passion of all of our donors. Today, we’d like tell you about one of our loyal supporters, Brian Lee. Brian is a Certified Speaking Professional known for his expertise in improving the patient experience in hospitals and health clinics. We were delighted when he approached us last… Continue Reading Through the eyes of a committed donor

“May you live longer to see the many people you are helping!”

Categories: Eye Surgery, Zambia
“It was hell” is how Thomas Chakalela describes his life after losing his vision to cataracts. It was bad enough when complications from diabetes resulted in the amputation of his left leg. But things got worse for the Zambian farmer when, shortly after the amputation, he gradually lost his vision. He was forced to retire… Continue Reading “May you live longer to see the many people you are helping!”

Wishing you all a happy Easter

Categories: News
Many of our supporters across the globe are celebrating Easter this weekend. On behalf of all of us at Operation Eyesight, I would like to wish you a happy and fun-filled Easter. May you have a wonderful time celebrating with your family and friends. And for those of us in the northern hemisphere, our best… Continue Reading Wishing you all a happy Easter

Following the signs to eye health

Categories: Eye Surgery, Ghana
“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else,” said American baseball player Yogi Berra – a man as famous for his confusing quips as for his sports abilities. However, that statement might also represent the damage that lack of awareness can cause – and indeed, has caused! – in preventing… Continue Reading Following the signs to eye health