Grey Mist Lifting

Welcome to Grey Mist Lifting!

We named our blog Grey Mist Lifting because this expression – or words like it – are commonly heard in the clinics we support. When the bandages come off after cataract surgery, patients often describe what they are experiencing. For example; “Yesterday, all I could see was a grey mist. Today, the mist has lifted. I can see again.”

We hope you enjoy the posts and we invite you to comment and join the conversation!

Fireworks for 50!

Categories: News
Light the fireworks! Throw the confetti! Strike up the band… Operation Eyesight turns 50 this year! Okay, in reality the celebrations might be a bit lower-key than that. But I’m sure you’ll agree, 50 years of preventing avoidable blindness is an occasion worth celebrating! Back in 1963, a Canadian doctor named Ben Gullison inspired businessman… Continue Reading Fireworks for 50!

5 stories that touched our hearts in 2012

Categories: Communities, News, Our Work, Prevention

It’s been a great year for storytelling here at Grey Mist Lifting! We’ve certainly enjoyed the opportunity to tell you an inspiring story every Friday. Together, we’ve travelled to Africa and India and introduced you to some of the children, women and men whose lives have changed, thanks to our supporters. Here are five highlights… Continue Reading 5 stories that touched our hearts in 2012

Merry Christmas in 2012

Categories: News
To all of our loyal donors, partners and friends:

A million thanks!

Categories: Communities, Eye Surgery, India, Our Work
When I visited India for the first time last year, I was struck by the sheer number of people who seemed to be everywhere. That’s why it was hard to imagine that there are areas in India where people had trouble accessing eye care. However, often people who need care the most can’t make it… Continue Reading A million thanks!

For health workers, training is a dream come true

Categories: Communities, Kenya, Our Work
Ophthalmic nurse Carolyn Chenalan Jepkemboi has a smile as bright as the Kenyan sunshine and a personality to match. Carolyn, who works at the eye clinic in the town of Kapsabet, Kenya, cares for patients with eye health issues, and assists with cataract and trachoma operations. “I wanted to be a nurse since primary school.… Continue Reading For health workers, training is a dream come true