Grey Mist Lifting

Welcome to Grey Mist Lifting!

We named our blog Grey Mist Lifting because this expression – or words like it – are commonly heard in the clinics we support. When the bandages come off after cataract surgery, patients often describe what they are experiencing. For example; “Yesterday, all I could see was a grey mist. Today, the mist has lifted. I can see again.”

We hope you enjoy the posts and we invite you to comment and join the conversation!

Women power drives change (Part 1 of 2)

Categories: Communities, India
A couple of weeks from now, on March 8, the world will focus on the accomplishments of women and the challenges they face – especially in low-income countries. International Women’s Day is observed by the United Nations and is designated as a national holiday in many countries. Daniel Franklin, Operation Eyesight’s Program Manager for Community… Continue Reading Women power drives change (Part 1 of 2)

Family forms the foundation

Categories: Communities, India
As a Canadian who is in constant touch with people in India and Africa, I frequently deal with differences. My friends and family often ask about my experiences of working with people who speak different languages, or who use the same language as I do, but often mean very different things. It is a challenge… Continue Reading Family forms the foundation

Our donors are the best!

Categories: Donors
Next Tuesday is Valentine’s Day, a time to express our appreciation for the important people in our lives. It might be unusual to express appreciation to a group of people, but that’s what I’d like to do. And that group of people would be you – our donors. Seriously, here in our Calgary office we… Continue Reading Our donors are the best!

Remembering women in need

Categories: India, Our Work
Hello from India! As I write this, I’m here with our Operation Eyesight team in Hyderabad, where we’re meeting with eye care experts at the LV Prasad Eye Institute. You may know Hyderabad as the place where many Bollywood films are created. In fact, it was a wealthy filmmaker (LV Prasad) who supplied the land… Continue Reading Remembering women in need

Art Jenkyns’ simple message

Categories: India, Our Work
This week marks the seventh anniversary of the passing of Art Jenkyns, the founder of Operation Eyesight. Those of you who know our history know that Art was the driving force behind the organization from the beginning. When he died in 2005, he left a tremendous legacy that continues to inspire our work to this… Continue Reading Art Jenkyns’ simple message