A blurry world is now in focus… Thanks to you!

Categories: Blog, Eye Surgery, Kenya, Our Work
Kenyan boy with visual trouble
Caleb (in green) can look straigth ahead to see today… because of your kind support!

Tilt your head. Then close one eye, squint out of the corner of the other eye, and try to read this story.

Don’t you find it awkward, uncomfortable and hard to see?

That’s how Caleb, an 8-year old boy from Kenya, grew up looking at the world!

Caleb’s grandfather first noticed his grandson’s mannerism about three years ago. That’s when he started raising the little boy after his parents abandoned him. To see ahead, Caleb had to tip his head to the side and then squint out of the corner of one eye. Even then, his world was very blurry!

Unable to read and write because of his poor vision, Caleb was left behind in kindergarten while other children his age were in second grade. He was so self conscious about not being able to see!

His grandfather watched Caleb’s struggles with great sadness. But what could he do? All he owned in the world was a half-acre farm and two cows. He couldn’t afford to take his grandson to a doctor. All he could do was hope and pray that the little boy’s eyesight improved.

Caleb and his grandfather shared a deep, unspoken fear – that he would lose his sight completely, never gain an education, and be sentenced to a bleak life.

Fortunately, a teacher noticed Caleb’s poor vision and notified an Operation Eyesight partner eye clinic. There, he was diagnosed with cataracts! He was referred to a pediatric ophthalmologist at Sabatia Eye Hospital. Caleb underwent separate surgeries for his eyes – at no cost to his grandfather, thanks to generous donors like you.

A day after Caleb’s first cataract surgery was performed, great improvement was already noticeable. He could look directly at someone without having to turn his head!

His second surgery improved his vision even more, and today Caleb can see the world more clearly. Now he’s confident he’ll be able to keep up with his classmates, both in school and out. His grandfather looks forward to a brighter future for his grandson.

Both Caleb and his grandfather are grateful to kind donors like you for your generous support. His grandfather says, “God bless you! Thank you and please keep up the good work!”

Thanks to the incredible support of people like you, Caleb has renewed hope for a clear future! There are many other children like Caleb who need your help, and you can give them the Gift of Sight today by donating to our cataract surgery program. Together, we CAN eliminate avoidable blindness… For All The World To See!