Vision for all: My trip to Udgir, India

Categories: Communities, India, Our Work
A sense of déjà vu was in the air as I travelled on bumpy roads in the dry heat of the Indian summer. The landscape was desolate and arid, with the temperature reaching 40 C in the shade. However, the anticipation of visiting one of our first non-financial technical partners made the heat and bad… Continue Reading Vision for all: My trip to Udgir, India

Saving sight on Asia’s largest river island

Categories: Communities, India, Our Work
Have you ever heard of Majuli Island? It’s no great surprise if you haven’t. It’s located in the Brahmaputra River in India’s remote northeastern state of Assam. Because of its isolation, the island had extremely limited health facilities, and no eye health care at all for its 150,000 people. In 2012, Operation Eyesight launched a… Continue Reading Saving sight on Asia’s largest river island

Through the eyes of a committed donor

Categories: Communities, Hospitals, Our Work
We are continuously amazed by the dedication and passion of all of our donors. Today, we’d like tell you about one of our loyal supporters, Brian Lee. Brian is a Certified Speaking Professional known for his expertise in improving the patient experience in hospitals and health clinics. We were delighted when he approached us last… Continue Reading Through the eyes of a committed donor

Health worker brings light to her community

Categories: Communities, India, Our Work
The last of the sun’s rays cast over a small village near the India-Bangladesh border. Nurbhanu is finishing up her final house call of the day. As a community health worker with Operation Eyesight’s Community-Based Eye Health Project in West Bengal, India, she is used to working late into the evening. Tomorrow, a team from… Continue Reading Health worker brings light to her community

Benefits of eye surgery outweigh fear

Categories: Communities, Eye Surgery, Ghana, Our Work
Fear of the unknown can be debilitating. It can hold you back from making a decision that can ultimately prove beneficial. Yet when you take a chance, the benefits can be enormous! Let me tell you about Isaac Acquah. Born and raised in the seacoast town of Apam, in the Central region of Ghana, Isaac… Continue Reading Benefits of eye surgery outweigh fear