Here’s to a happy and healthy year for all!

Categories: Eyeglasses, India
On behalf of all of us at Operation Eyesight, our best wishes for a happy and healthy 2016! As I’m sure you know, good eyesight is important for living a happy and healthy life. It’s especially important for young students, as about 80 percent of learning is visual. But sadly, not all children enjoy the… Continue Reading Here’s to a happy and healthy year for all!

Give the gift that gives twice

Categories: Eyeglasses, Kenya, Uncategorized

Isn’t it great to be around children as the holiday season approaches? I just love watching my grandkids’ eyes light up as they make their lists (and check them more than twice!), dreaming of brightly decorated trees and candy canes. Their excitement is contagious! But I know there are countless children who don’t wish for… Continue Reading Give the gift that gives twice

Improved vision increases a teen’s independence

Categories: Eyeglasses, Ghana, Prevention
It can be tough being a teenager at the best of times, but life is even more challenging when you cannot see properly! Seventeen-year-old Lydia Kombortaa lives in Ghana, and had been complaining of poor eyesight since was a little girl. She couldn’t see the chalkboard at school and had resorted to copying lecture notes… Continue Reading Improved vision increases a teen’s independence

Ringing in the new (school) year

Categories: Eyeglasses
When my kids were growing up, September always felt like “New Year’s” in our house. There was something about the fall season and the excitement of the new school year that got us back into a routine and setting goals for the coming months. We’d start going to bed earlier, register the kids for extra-curricular… Continue Reading Ringing in the new (school) year

Visible growth: our new vision centres

Categories: Communities, Eyeglasses, Our Work
Many of our donors are familiar with the idea of eye camps; temporary clinics set up to provide eye care to people in rural or remote areas. After all, they’ve been a big part of our efforts for many years, because distance is a huge barrier for many people who need eye care. But temporary… Continue Reading Visible growth: our new vision centres