India: 2016 Highlights

Categories: Blog, Communities, Eye Surgery, Hospitals, India, Other, Our Work
Atul grateful
Thanks to our generous donors, we’re making long-term, sustainable differences in the countries where we work. We recently published our 2016 Report to Donors, and we’re very excited to tell you about the incredible work our donors helped make possible last year. This week, we’ll highlight our work in India. Stay tuned for more updates… Continue Reading India: 2016 Highlights

New eyeglasses restore a little girl’s future!

Categories: Eyeglasses, Ghana, Hospitals, Other, Our Work
Lordia has now received new prescription eyeglasses. Today, she can see more clearly!
  Lordia is a 13-year-old girl who lives in Ghana. Her parents are poor, so they wanted to ensure their daughter’s future through her education. But a couple years ago, her future looked bleak. When Lordia was 11, her teacher told her parents she was having trouble keeping up with her classmates because of her… Continue Reading New eyeglasses restore a little girl’s future!

The incredible love of a mother

Categories: Blog, Eye Surgery, Ghana, Hospitals, Kenya, Other
Jerita can see
For many of us, the mothers in our lives have been incredible people. They’ve shaped our development with their love and care. A mother’s love is a beautiful thing, and it’s even more awe-inspiring when her love endures despite life-altering hardship. This Mother’s Day, I wanted to share a few stories about some loving mothers.… Continue Reading The incredible love of a mother

Sustainable community eye health care in Nepal

Categories: Communities, Hospitals, Nepal, Other
Older man in basket carried by younger man
Operation Eyesight’s work in Nepal goes back to 1973, when we established the Nepal Eye Hospital, the first full-fledged eye hospital in the country. We also played an instrumental role in establishing and/or renovating five other eye hospitals in Nepal, before withdrawing from the country to focus our blindness prevention programs elsewhere. In 2016, after… Continue Reading Sustainable community eye health care in Nepal

Helping eye cancer patients from India and around the world

Categories: Hospitals, India, Our Work
Sight restored. Cancer beaten. Lives saved! And all thanks to our generous donors! In September 2015, we opened the Operation Eyesight Universal Institute for Eye Cancer in India in response to the shocking fact that every day, four children in India are born with eye cancer. Through its early detection and integrated treatments programs, the… Continue Reading Helping eye cancer patients from India and around the world