Gifts for every occasion!

Categories: News, Our Work
Happy spring, everyone! If you’re like me, your calendar for the next few months is filling up quickly with birthday celebrations, engagement parties, hockey wrap-up parties (for my grandkids) and, of course, spring cleaning, gardening and golfing. Whew! On top of all that, you might be worrying about when you’re going to have time to… Continue Reading Gifts for every occasion!

World Water Day: Washing away blindness in Zambia!

Categories: Clean Water
Tomorrow is World Water Day, and we’re overflowing with reasons to celebrate! Together, we’re saving sight and lives by providing clean water and eye health education to communities in Zambia! Last year, a valued donor and friend to Operation Eyesight initiated a “Washing Away Blindness” campaign to bring fresh, clean water to communities in Zambia.… Continue Reading World Water Day: Washing away blindness in Zambia!

Eye surgery saves a toddler’s sight

Categories: Eye Surgery, Kenya, Our Work
In 1963, Operation Eyesight’s work began in India, where we worked tirelessly to address the country’s backlog of cataract surgeries. Over the past five decades, our generous donors have funded millions of cataract surgeries, transforming the lives of children, women and men across the globe. But did you know that our donors support other types… Continue Reading Eye surgery saves a toddler’s sight

A little girl journeys out of darkness

Categories: Eye Surgery, India
Think back to when you were 12 years old. Hopefully, you were playing with friends, (mostly) enjoying your days in school and generally having a great time being a kid. Unfortunately, life wasn’t like that for Phangshu, a little girl living in the village of Sonapur in India. Not only was she born into a… Continue Reading A little girl journeys out of darkness

This looks like a job for… “the water people”

Categories: Clean Water, Kenya
What would you do if the only water tap in your house stopped working? If you knew how to fix it, you’d likely try to repair it yourself. If not, you’d probably call a plumber. But what if you had no knowledge of how to fix the tap yourself and you couldn’t afford the repair… Continue Reading This looks like a job for… “the water people”