Thank you for another great year in Ghana!

Categories: Annual Report, Blog, Communities, Eye Surgery, Eyeglasses, Ghana, Hospitals, Other, Our Work, Prevention
Ophthalmic Nursing School Project in Ghana will strengthen ophthalmic nursing in Ghana.
In Ghana, we were honoured to work with many partners in 2017. Together with Ghana Health Services, Standard Chartered Bank, Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons and Swiss Red Cross, we communicated the results of the National Blindness and Visual Impairment study — the first of its kind in the country. We’re excited about this… Continue Reading Thank you for another great year in Ghana!

Welcome to the Family, CloudBreak!

Categories: Blog, Eye Surgery, Eyeglasses, Other, Our Work, Partnerships, Prevention
CloudBreak Calgary
We’re excited to announce our partnership with CloudBreak Eye Care, right here in Calgary. CloudBreak is Calgary’s newest Glaucoma and Advanced Anterior Segment Clinic. They provide quality and personalized eye care to their patients, empowering them through eye health education and professional care. CloudBreak has decided to partner with our organization, offering their patients the option… Continue Reading Welcome to the Family, CloudBreak!

2017 Was An Exciting Year For South Asia, Thanks To You!

Categories: Annual Report, Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Eye Surgery, Hospitals, Our Work, Prevention
Young Indian boy with cross eye receives corrective surgery through Operation Eyesight
India had an exciting year! Thanks to our donors and partners we screened more than two million people who were at risk of losing their sight. Declaring villages avoidable blindness-free is the pinnacle of our work. We’re ecstatic to say that we declared our 500th village free of avoidable blindness in 2017. With the help… Continue Reading 2017 Was An Exciting Year For South Asia, Thanks To You!

Donor’s Generosity Helps Others – During Her Lifetime and Beyond

Categories: Blog, Donors, Legacy donors, Other, Our Work
Woman gives to sight-saving charity organization in memory of her late blind brother
A few years ago, we were sad to say goodbye to Margaret, an incredible donor whose kindness has lasted beyond her lifetime. Margaret started giving to Operation Eyesight back in 1964. In a letter, she told us why. “My beloved brother, older than I by 10 years, went blind and soon after died from diabetes… Continue Reading Donor’s Generosity Helps Others – During Her Lifetime and Beyond

Portable Eye Examination Kit (PEEK), transforms the lives of students in Kenya

Categories: Blog, Eyeglasses, Kenya, Our Work, PEEK
Little girl in Kenya is screened through PEEK project and received help through Operation Eyesight support
Elizabeth is 22, and she’s still in her first year of high school while the rest of her peers are in their second year of university. She lives in a small village in the Trans Nzoia County in Kenya with her parents and siblings. She had quit school in 2011, having suffered from visual impairment that made studying… Continue Reading Portable Eye Examination Kit (PEEK), transforms the lives of students in Kenya