Thanks to our donors, help is close by

Categories: Eye Surgery, Ghana

Charlotte lives in Buduburam, a refugee settlement in Ghana’s Central Region. She used to sell second-hand clothing, but given the difficulty of having to trek on foot from one sales location to the other, she decided to work as a cook in her neighbourhood instead. But when her eyesight began to deteriorate, even that job… Continue Reading Thanks to our donors, help is close by

Zambia: 2015 highlights

Categories: Our Work, Zambia

Since publishing our 2015 Report to Donors in June, we’ve been sharing highlights from each of the countries where we work. Our programs in India and Africa had a banner year, thanks to support from our generous donors. This week we’re excited to tell you more about the work our donors made possible in Zambia… Continue Reading Zambia: 2015 highlights

Kenya: 2015 highlights

Categories: Kenya, Our Work

In June, we highlighted our work in India and Ghana. This month, we’re excited to showcase our work in Kenya and Zambia. Read on to learn about the incredible difference our donors made in Kenya in 2015, and check back here next week for highlights from Zambia. The 2015 year saw tremendous growth in our… Continue Reading Kenya: 2015 highlights

Ghana: 2015 highlights

Categories: Ghana, Our Work

Last week we highlighted our work in India. This week, we’re excited to tell you about the great work our donors made possible in Ghana in 2015. For more 2015 highlights, you can read our newly-released Report to Donors. And be sure check back here for more updates on Kenya and Zambia in the coming… Continue Reading Ghana: 2015 highlights

India: 2015 highlights

Categories: India, News, Our Work

India: 2015 highlights By Kashinath Bhoosnurmath, Global Director of Programmes Thanks to our generous donors, we’re making long-term, sustainable differences in the countries where we work. We recently published our 2015 Report to Donors, and we’re very excited to tell you about the incredible work our donors helped make possible last year. This week, we’ll… Continue Reading India: 2015 highlights