A teen can be a teen, now that he can see

Categories: Eye Surgery, India

Atul and his family live in a semi-permanent home in Jogyal, a remote village located in the drought-prone district of Latur, India. When he was eight years old, one of Atul’s classmates accidently hit him in the eye with a pencil. He felt pain right away, but then things seemed to get better… for a while.… Continue Reading A teen can be a teen, now that he can see

Unique end-of-school-year gifts

Categories: Our Work
I can’t believe it’s June already! I remember when my kids were still in school, they’d be getting pretty antsy around this time. They just wanted to be outside enjoying the nicer weather, and most of their after-school activities were starting to wind down. I also remember running around trying to find that perfect end-of-the-year… Continue Reading Unique end-of-school-year gifts

Building eye health awareness in Ghana

Categories: Eye Surgery, Ghana, Prevention
Like many developing countries, Ghana faces inadequate access to eye health services, which is why we’ve been working there since 2006. Our Ghana team knows that many people are fearful of accessing eye health care because of lack of awareness, poor service, distance, affordability and long wait times. Thanks to funding from our partner Seeing… Continue Reading Building eye health awareness in Ghana

Biannual checkup: Majuli Island

Categories: Communities, India, Prevention

We first told you about Majuli Island back in Spring 2014. Located in India’s remote state of Assam, it’s home to 168,000 people. Before Operation Eyesight launched a Hospital-Based Community Eye Health Program there in 2012, the island had no eye care at all. Thanks to a video documentary created by our Canadian intern Adrian… Continue Reading Biannual checkup: Majuli Island

Contributing to a sustainable future for all

Categories: Our Work
Last fall, world leaders adopted the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). All of us in the eye health community have an important role to play in achieving these global goals, particularly goals 1 through 6. Read on to learn how Operation Eyesight’s work to eliminate avoidable… Continue Reading Contributing to a sustainable future for all