Thanks – but no thanks – for used eyeglasses

Categories: Eyeglasses, Our Work
We Canadians are a generous bunch. We want to help. And given the expense of prescription eyeglasses and how necessary they are for many of us to see, it’s natural that if we have an old pair, we want to donate them to be passed on to someone in need. But Operation Eyesight no longer… Continue Reading Thanks – but no thanks – for used eyeglasses

Ridgewood Rotary brings water and opportunity to Kenyan school

Categories: Clean Water, Kenya, Our Work
Last September, we told you about Sarah Kiruri, a teacher at Kishermoruak Primary School in southern Kenya. Today we’d like to tell you about Ridgewood Rotary Club, a generous group of donors working behind the scenes to help keep Sarah’s school running smoothly. In 2008, Ridgewood Rotary, a club from New Jersey, USA, formed a… Continue Reading Ridgewood Rotary brings water and opportunity to Kenyan school

Ten years later, Art Jenkyns would be proud!

Categories: Donors, Our Work
When Operation Eyesight’s founder Art Jenkyns passed away on January 26, 2005, we knew that the world had lost a rare individual. Much has changed since the first meeting of “The Gullison Club” in 1963, when Art and his fellows at the Baptist Men’s Club raised $840 in support of Dr. Ben Gullison’s Arogyavaram Hospital.… Continue Reading Ten years later, Art Jenkyns would be proud!

SAFE strategy helps address Millennium Development Goals (Part 2 of 2)

Categories: Clean Water, Kenya, Our Work
How does Operation Eyesight help address the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals through implementation of the SAFE strategy? (Read Part 1). The photo essay below explains how the SAFE strategy and the MDGs seek to address similar issues. (Photos taken by Ric Rowan in Narok, Kenya. Photo caption information adapted from the International Trachoma Initiative.)… Continue Reading SAFE strategy helps address Millennium Development Goals (Part 2 of 2)

SAFE strategy helps address Millennium Development Goals (Part 1 of 2)

Categories: Clean Water, Our Work
In 2000, world leaders adopted the United Nations Millennium Declaration, which included eight international development goals known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Since then, United Nations member states and international organizations across the globe have been working to achieve the MDGs – which address common issues such as poverty, disease, quality of life and… Continue Reading SAFE strategy helps address Millennium Development Goals (Part 1 of 2)