Smart phone app developed to screen for vision problems

Categories: Kenya, Our Work, Prevention
Tackling childhood blindness and visual impairment in low-income countries presents considerable challenges. Infrastructure and human resources are seriously lacking, and systems for accurately testing children for eye conditions and improving follow-up rates are often non-existent or inadequate. If there was a way to improve the way that children’s eyesight is screened and treated across low-income… Continue Reading Smart phone app developed to screen for vision problems

Fresh water saves lives and prevents blindness (Part 2 of 2)

Categories: Clean Water, Kenya, Our Work
Seventy-year old Ann Adoyole lives in a tiny village in one of Kenya’s dustiest, most arid regions: West Pokot County. Along with other women and girls in her community, she has spent most of her life searching for and fetching water for her family. Then suddenly, in late 2013, everything changed…! What a difference Ann and… Continue Reading Fresh water saves lives and prevents blindness (Part 2 of 2)

Fresh water saves lives and prevents blindness (Part 1 of 2)

Categories: Clean Water, Kenya, Our Work
Special thanks to our Assistant Director of Africa, Alice Mwangi, for sharing Ann’s story with us! Ann Adoyole is 70 years old, and lives in a village in West Pokot County in Kenya. She has two sons and several grandchildren. Since she came to live in this village after her marriage many years ago, she made the trek on a daily basis… Continue Reading Fresh water saves lives and prevents blindness (Part 1 of 2)

Life takes a turn for the better!

Categories: Eye Surgery, Zambia
University Teaching Hospital’s recently-refurbished ophthalmic centre has seen many success stories since Operation Eyesight and the Zambian government opened the facility in Lusaka, Zambia in 2012. One of the most recent happy stories I’d like to share with you is that of Davison Mwanamwale. Davison is a retired 75-year old who has lived in Lusaka for… Continue Reading Life takes a turn for the better!

A smooth transition from homemaker to leader

Categories: Communities, India, Our Work
Winning an election anywhere in the world can involve a lot of strength, money and power. This is even more pronounced in India’s state of West Bengal, where politics can be very volatile. But in a small village in West Bengal along the border between India and Bangladesh, a young woman named Rama Sarkar has… Continue Reading A smooth transition from homemaker to leader