Welcome to Operation Eyesight, Aly!

Categories: Blog, Other, Our Work
Aly Bandali
We at Operation Eyesight are excited to welcome our new executive director, Aly Bandali. With an extensive background in Human Resource work in different fields, Aly is passionate about making a difference. And now he’s focusing on making a difference in the lives of people living with avoidable blindness in Africa and South Asia. “My… Continue Reading Welcome to Operation Eyesight, Aly!

A big heart for the people – this community health volunteer is changing lives.

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Eye Surgery, Hospitals, Other, Our Work, Zambia
A community health worker in Zambia
Catherine was overjoyed when she heard about the opportunity to become a community health volunteer with Operation Eyesight. However, Catherine’s family was not so thrilled. “Why would you want to work for free?” They would ask her. “I volunteer because I’m helping people. It’s my dream come true!” Catherine says. She always wanted to help… Continue Reading A big heart for the people – this community health volunteer is changing lives.

A blurry world is now in focus… Thanks to you!

Categories: Blog, Eye Surgery, Kenya, Our Work
Kenyan boy with visual trouble
Tilt your head. Then close one eye, squint out of the corner of the other eye, and try to read this story. Don’t you find it awkward, uncomfortable and hard to see? That’s how Caleb, an 8-year old boy from Kenya, grew up looking at the world! Caleb’s grandfather first noticed his grandson’s mannerism about… Continue Reading A blurry world is now in focus… Thanks to you!

Honour mom with a special gift this Mother’s Day

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Donors, Eye Surgery, India, Our Work
Indian mother and daughter from Majuli Island
Can you believe it’s already May 8th? If you’re in Canada, then you’re probably wondering how we seemed to skip spring and go straight into summer! Christmas just happened, and suddenly Mother’s Day is just around the corner. For many of us, our mothers are very special people in our lives. They raised us, loved… Continue Reading Honour mom with a special gift this Mother’s Day

A woman’s wish to see her family happy comes true!

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Eye Surgery, Hospitals, Nepal, Our Work
What would you do if you had an eye condition that was easily treated with a 15-minute surgery? You’d accept treatment, wouldn’t you? Maya suffered with cataracts for a year, to the point that she was forced to stop doing the things she loved, like making garlands in her free time and spending time with… Continue Reading A woman’s wish to see her family happy comes true!