Lower that blood pressure; protect your vision!

Categories: Our Work, Prevention
This Sunday, we mark World Health Day, a day to commemorate the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO) on April 7, 1948. Every year, the WHO chooses a theme with global public health significance; and this year’s theme is high blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, or hypertension, you are probably familiar… Continue Reading Lower that blood pressure; protect your vision!

‘Well Champions’ program hits a gusher!

Categories: Clean Water, Kenya, Our Work, Zambia
With World Water Day taking place today, I’d like to share our excitement about an important water program sponsored by Operation Eyesight Canada’s board members. Not only do our Canada Board chair Dan Parlow and vice-chair Rob Ohlson bring significant expertise, energy and commitment to their roles, they have created an exciting new financial initiative… Continue Reading ‘Well Champions’ program hits a gusher!

Gratification, appreciation from a doctor in Zambia

Categories: Our Work, Zambia
After working in challenging conditions in Zambia’s isolated North-Western province for more than six years, ophthalmologist Edith Pola-Smith recently concluded her contract with Operation Eyesight. Over the years, she and her team traveled extensively to provide surgery and eye care in remote areas. They made a considerable impact on avoidable blindness in the region. Edith… Continue Reading Gratification, appreciation from a doctor in Zambia

Women, water and the Run for “Well”ness

Categories: Our Work, Zambia
Today is International Women’s Day and we’re talking water. Why? In areas where water is scarce, it is usually women and girls who are responsible for fetching water. This often involves walking several kilometres each day with the very present danger of being attacked by wild animals. And for girls, it means they either miss… Continue Reading Women, water and the Run for “Well”ness

Don’t take blindness sitting down: An interview with our board chair

Categories: Our Work

Commitment and energy are precious commodities for most of us. An organization’s mission and vision need to personally resonate for volunteers to invest their valuable time. That’s why we were so appreciative when Dan Parlow – who is both a busy Vancouver lawyer and the chair of Operation Eyesight Canada – was able to come… Continue Reading Don’t take blindness sitting down: An interview with our board chair