A celebration of sight restored

Categories: Eye Surgery, Ghana, Our Work
Ever seen someone dancing for joy? I was fortunate enough to witness just such a spontaneous outpouring of elation when I was in Ghana last year. While at Watborg Eye Hospital, I met Janet Ofosuhene, a 75-year old woman who lives in the town of Kwahu Mpraeso. Four years ago, Janet noticed her vision start… Continue Reading A celebration of sight restored

The Olympics of eye care

Categories: India, News, Our Work
If you’re someone who reads this blog each week, you know how proud we are of our approach to eye care and development. We believe we’re on the right track – helping people with immediate needs but also helping communities become self-sufficient in the long run. That confidence was confirmed this week at the International… Continue Reading The Olympics of eye care

Older is o-kay

Categories: Our Work
A few weeks ago, I wrote about grandchildren from my and my wife Margot’s points of view (we’re known to our grandchildren as Nana and Papa). Here are some other terms for grandparents: I note that the United Nations’ International Day of Older Persons is coming up in a few weeks, which is a great… Continue Reading Older is o-kay

Back to school!

Categories: Clean Water, Our Work, Zambia
It’s September and all over the world, children have trooped back to school. It’s an exciting time of year for children. Bright eyes ready to read and write – it’s great to be a kid. But what if the kids have no school? We work with rural people in Kenya and Zambia and we know… Continue Reading Back to school!

Imagine eyelashes scratching like a metal brush

Categories: Eye Surgery, Kenya

Trachoma is the world’s leading cause of preventable blindness. I have seen people suffering from it in developing countries like Kenya and Zambia, where it is the most common and widespread eye health issue. An agonizing disease borne of a lack of clean water and poor sanitation, trachoma causes permanent blindness if left untreated. The… Continue Reading Imagine eyelashes scratching like a metal brush