Fun and games in the slums

Categories: India, Our Work
Fun in a slum? What a concept! But it’s true – I have met cheerful and playful people in the slums of India that I have visited. For most of us, it’s hard to imagine that a slum can represent anything other than disease, despair and grinding poverty. But surprising things can happen in surprising… Continue Reading Fun and games in the slums

Radio reaches those in dire need

Categories: Communities, Eye Surgery, Our Work, Zambia

Have you ever found that sometimes, the simplest messages are the most heartfelt? Let me tell you about Dawson, 72, and Anisa, 68. This elderly couple live in a tiny one room thatched house in the village of Kajilo, located in Zambia’s North-Western Province. Until quite recently, their lives were miserable because neither of them could… Continue Reading Radio reaches those in dire need

Thanks to you: Eileen Maharaj

Categories: Eye Surgery, India, Our Work
A Sunday School class at Grandview Baptist Church (now Grandview Calvary Baptist Church) in Vancouver was all the inspiration that then-teenager Eileen Maharaj needed to support Operation Eyesight. “My teacher regularly had ‘mission moments’ in our class and one of those moments was about Operation Eyesight,” explains Eileen. “It inspired my imagination. Blindness is something… Continue Reading Thanks to you: Eileen Maharaj

Back to work and back to school!

Categories: Communities, India
Sachin is a 59-year-old farmer and traditional healer who lives with his family in the village of Bhutini Para in the Rajganj Block of West Bengal. As the chief breadwinner, he was very concerned when he began to lose his vision. It got so bad that he could no longer farm or deliver herbal medicines… Continue Reading Back to work and back to school!