Companies have a role to play in social investment

Categories: News, Our Work
On March 7, I spoke to business leaders and members of the international eye care community at the launch of Operation Eyesight UK in London. We made some important connections, and the trustees of the UK board are off to a great start. We certainly want people in the UK to know that Operation Eyesight… Continue Reading Companies have a role to play in social investment

Canada to England to Iceland: worth the adventure

Categories: News, Our Work
Q: What does it take to launch a new organization? A: A blizzard, a malfunctioning airplane, multiple cancellations and a surprise visit to Iceland. You’ve heard the expression “no pain, no gain?” Well, getting the guest speaker from Calgary to London for the launch of Operation Eyesight UK last week was no easy task, but… Continue Reading Canada to England to Iceland: worth the adventure

Women power drives change (Part 2 of 2)

Categories: Communities, India
Our blog post of February 24 featured Daniel Franklin, Operation Eyesight’s Program Manager for Community Eye Health in India, describing how a group of 15 women was sought to facilitate eye health in remote, rural areas of Tamil Nadu state. The hospital-based community eye health program seeks to reach people suffering from visual impairment who… Continue Reading Women power drives change (Part 2 of 2)

A teacher learns that clear vision is possible again

Categories: Hospitals, Kenya
I met Sister Cecilia Chematia last year at Kenya’s Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in the small city of Eldoret. (Read more about my visit to the hospital here.) Operation Eyesight and its donors have supported the hospital’s eye unit since 2005. A 74-year old Roman Catholic nun from the Kaiboi convent, 50 km outside… Continue Reading A teacher learns that clear vision is possible again

Women power drives change (Part 1 of 2)

Categories: Communities, India
A couple of weeks from now, on March 8, the world will focus on the accomplishments of women and the challenges they face – especially in low-income countries. International Women’s Day is observed by the United Nations and is designated as a national holiday in many countries. Daniel Franklin, Operation Eyesight’s Program Manager for Community… Continue Reading Women power drives change (Part 1 of 2)