Ongata Naado – a village transformed (Part 1 of 2)

Categories: Clean Water, Kenya
Water is a powerful force. In rivers, it pushes huge generator turbines. In the ocean, it covers most of the earth. From the ground, it changes people’s lives in ways I never would have imagined unless I had seen it with my own eyes. In Kenya, Operation Eyesight has been fighting the terrible trachoma infection… Continue Reading Ongata Naado – a village transformed (Part 1 of 2)

Think of the children

Categories: Our Work, Prevention
As vice-president of International Programs, I am frequently in close contact with people in India and Africa. When I’ve visited these places, I’ve been struck by the vulnerability of children living in poverty. When poverty leads to blindness, it’s truly heartbreaking because there is little hope without outside help. Countless children miss out on an… Continue Reading Think of the children

The gift of sight – and much, much more

Categories: Eye Surgery, Our Work

Today the word “remembering” is on my mind as we observe Remembrance Day in Canada and many other nations around the world. In terms of Operation Eyesight, that got me thinking about our beginning almost 50 years ago. As our founder, the late Art Jenkyns, listened to Dr. Ben Gullison speak in a Calgary church… Continue Reading The gift of sight – and much, much more

When are two wheels better than four?

Categories: India, Our Work

I remember, some years ago, when I first learned about the intrepid nuns of Assumption Hospital’s Kanhirapuzha Eye Unit who took eye care into remote areas on motorcycles. It made me smile, imagining these dignified women weaving in and out of traffic (I now know that such a sight is not the least bit unusual… Continue Reading When are two wheels better than four?

Fresh eyes tackle animation challenge

Categories: Our Work

Operation Eyesight is, at its heart, a community of support. In addition to a small number of employees and volunteers, it’s our large group of active supporters that really makes this organization tick. These supporters come from all walks of life and have a wide variety of gifts to share. Take, for example, Alana Thorburn-Watt… Continue Reading Fresh eyes tackle animation challenge