
Categories: India, Our Work

“I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart.” These are the words of Kashinath Bhoosnurmath, Operation Eyesight’s senior director for India, speaking about our donors. Kashinath is passionate about the poor and blind of India, and enthusiastic about the progress being made. “Dhanyawaad” means thank you in Hindi, one of a number… Continue Reading Dhanyawaad!

Answers from our experts

Categories: Our Work

This week was a special one for us in Calgary. Dr. Bo Wiafe and Kashinath Bhoosnurmath, our regional directors for Africa and India respectively, were in town for our annual Board strategy sessions. It was also significant that they were here for World Sight Day on October 13. Each one guides Operation Eyesight’s work in… Continue Reading Answers from our experts

October 13 – just another day?

Categories: Our Work
Next Thursday, on October 13, I suggest we all take a moment to look in the mirror and focus on the things staring back at us.  Eyes are amazing, complex things, and remarkable in how they work. Even more remarkable is the way we rely on them completely without even thinking about it most of… Continue Reading October 13 – just another day?

Parents – don’t overlook your kids’ eye health

Categories: Prevention
As September draws to a close, I’d like to point out that October is Eye Health Month*. As an organization that works with people with terrible eye problems, Operation Eyesight feels strongly about blindness prevention. We are motivated by the fact that many eye problems occur because of late diagnosis. That’s a big issue in… Continue Reading Parents – don’t overlook your kids’ eye health

Community workers: the force behind change – Part 3

Categories: Communities, India

In the last instalment of this three-part series, Kashinath Bhoosnurmath, our senior director for Operation Eyesight in India, describes a more equitable model of engaging community-based workers. Through first-hand experience I have observed the gaps in stated values and principles of some organizations and their actual practices. I have shared my observations and analysis with… Continue Reading Community workers: the force behind change – Part 3