Restored eyesight builds hope for a brick-maker!

Categories: Blog, Communities, Eye Surgery, Kenya, Other, Our Work
Special thanks to Ronald Kefa, our project officer in Kenya, for writing this beautiful story of hope restored! James was 51 years old when he went blind. He had lived unable to see out of his left eye for years, and one morning he woke up unable to see out of his right eye, either.… Continue Reading Restored eyesight builds hope for a brick-maker!

Not sure what to get your loved ones for their birthdays this year? Worry no more!

Categories: Blog, Donors, Eye Surgery, Eyeglasses, Other, Our Work
It’s the start of a new year, and for many of us, that means making resolutions like going to the gym, developing a new hobby, learning a new language, or finding meaningful birthday gifts for all the people you care about. We know how stressful it can be to not only keep track of everyone’s… Continue Reading Not sure what to get your loved ones for their birthdays this year? Worry no more!

How do you eliminate avoidable blindness on a sustainable basis? We have the answer!

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Hospitals, Our Work, Prevention
Community screening
One of the most significant ways in which Operation Eyesight is eliminating avoidable blindness is through our Hospital-Based Community Eye Health Program, which is a real mouthful. And it doesn’t stop with the title. The model is complex, and has many moving parts, so that’s why we’re thrilled to have a full breakdown of the… Continue Reading How do you eliminate avoidable blindness on a sustainable basis? We have the answer!

The effects of your generosity goes on – long after our work is done!

Categories: Blog, Communities, Eyeglasses, Ghana, Hospitals, Kenya, Other, Our Work, Prevention
We’re happy to say that we’ve been fighting avoidable blindness and restoring sight for 55 years now, with the help of donors like you – and one of our most rewarding and important goals is helping our partner hospitals, government departments and communities achieve sustainable practices. This means that after our work in a region… Continue Reading The effects of your generosity goes on – long after our work is done!

Happy new year! Throwback to 2017.

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Donors, Eye Surgery, Eyeglasses, Ghana, Hospitals, India, Kenya, Nepal, Our Work, Prevention, Zambia
Wow, it feels like 2017 just flew by. Can you believe it? Looking back, there’s a whole lot to celebrate when we add up what we achieved together last year. We would need to write an entire book to talk about every person you helped last year, and who knows? Maybe that will happen one… Continue Reading Happy new year! Throwback to 2017.