Options are available to help developing African countries (Part 1 of 2)

Categories: Kenya, Prevention
Working with African people for many years, we have been constantly impressed with their initiative, leadership and awareness of their own social, economic and health care challenges. These are not helpless people. They have many of the tools they need to improve their own systems, except financial and human resources. With this in mind, Operation… Continue Reading Options are available to help developing African countries (Part 1 of 2)

Think of the children

Categories: Our Work, Prevention
As vice-president of International Programs, I am frequently in close contact with people in India and Africa. When I’ve visited these places, I’ve been struck by the vulnerability of children living in poverty. When poverty leads to blindness, it’s truly heartbreaking because there is little hope without outside help. Countless children miss out on an… Continue Reading Think of the children

Parents – don’t overlook your kids’ eye health

Categories: Prevention
As September draws to a close, I’d like to point out that October is Eye Health Month*. As an organization that works with people with terrible eye problems, Operation Eyesight feels strongly about blindness prevention. We are motivated by the fact that many eye problems occur because of late diagnosis. That’s a big issue in… Continue Reading Parents – don’t overlook your kids’ eye health

For us, it’s easy to get an eye exam

Categories: Ghana, Our Work, Prevention

Last month, just before leaving town for some international meetings, I had a message on my phone reminding me it was time for my annual eye exam. After making a note to book an appointment upon my return, I left home confident that I would be able to get the eye care I needed. I… Continue Reading For us, it’s easy to get an eye exam