Ruth’s story

Categories: Blog, Eye Surgery, Kenya
This is Ruth
  Twelve-year-old Ruth has had more than her fair share of vision problems for her tender age. She started having problems with her eyes when she was just five years old, and her vision deteriorated progressively. Every time her family thought it couldn’t get worse, it did. By the time Ruth was screened at our… Continue Reading Ruth’s story

This Easter, help others see the seasons change

Categories: Eye Surgery, Ghana
Kwame with his family
For many of us, Easter marks the much-anticipated turn of the season from winter to spring. Cold and dreary winterscapes are fading away to reveal the bright and welcoming colours of spring. Flowers begin to bloom, trees grow back their lush leaves and the days become warmer, inviting us all to step outside to smell… Continue Reading This Easter, help others see the seasons change

Spring-like rejuvenation for a boy in Ghana

Categories: Eye Surgery, Ghana
It was a very long winter, wasn’t it? Heavy snow, dangerous ice and bitter cold set records in many parts of Canada and the United States. But take heart — spring has finally arrived! The days are growing longer and warmer. If you don’t already, you’ll soon hear excited birds singing their mating songs, and… Continue Reading Spring-like rejuvenation for a boy in Ghana

Gifts for every occasion!

Categories: News, Our Work
Happy spring, everyone! If you’re like me, your calendar for the next few months is filling up quickly with birthday celebrations, engagement parties, hockey wrap-up parties (for my grandkids) and, of course, spring cleaning, gardening and golfing. Whew! On top of all that, you might be worrying about when you’re going to have time to… Continue Reading Gifts for every occasion!

World Water Day: Washing away blindness in Zambia!

Categories: Clean Water
Tomorrow is World Water Day, and we’re overflowing with reasons to celebrate! Together, we’re saving sight and lives by providing clean water and eye health education to communities in Zambia! Last year, a valued donor and friend to Operation Eyesight initiated a “Washing Away Blindness” campaign to bring fresh, clean water to communities in Zambia.… Continue Reading World Water Day: Washing away blindness in Zambia!