Kind words from our hospital partners

Categories: Hospitals, India, Kenya, Our Work
This year, we’ve been celebrating 50 years since Operation Eyesight was founded, and we have received a number of letters from the administrators and doctors of our hospital partners, who see the impact our donors are having. These letters speak to our work, but they also recognize the heartfelt generosity of our donors. Here are… Continue Reading Kind words from our hospital partners

Run for “Well”ness smashes fundraising goal

Categories: Donors, Our Work
When Dean Loewen puts his mind to something, he tends to make it happen. So we weren’t surprised to see to his team’s fundraising total climbing toward the $15,000 goal in the weeks before their Run for “Well”ness in June. (Read more about their story here.) Dean and his team of 17 runners all pitched… Continue Reading Run for “Well”ness smashes fundraising goal

Blindness from ‘sugar disease’: Be aware and be safe!

Categories: Ghana, Our Work, Prevention
Did you know diabetes is the single most prevalent cause of blindness in Canada? The Canadian Diabetes Association warns that if you have diabetes, you’re more likely to develop diabetic retinopathy (serious changes to the retina). You are also more likely to develop cataracts at a younger age, and twice as likely to develop glaucoma.… Continue Reading Blindness from ‘sugar disease’: Be aware and be safe!

The Jenkyns Village program

Categories: Communities, India, Our Work
Developed by our Indian staff, Operation Eyesight’s model of hospital-based community eye care stresses the importance of recruiting and training local individuals as community workers. The goal of these workers is to promote health in their communities, which they do through a process of eye health screenings, referrals, and follow-up visits. This model has been… Continue Reading The Jenkyns Village program

Through flood or drought, water unites the human race

Categories: Clean Water, Zambia
Calgary (where our organization is headquartered) and much of southern Alberta was devastated with a record-shattering flood last week. We received more than a month’s worth of rain in a day; and that, combined with melting snow in the nearby Rocky Mountains, created havoc. While fortunately few lives were lost, the staggering losses of property,… Continue Reading Through flood or drought, water unites the human race