Options are available to help developing African countries (Part 1 of 2)

Categories: Kenya, Prevention
Working with African people for many years, we have been constantly impressed with their initiative, leadership and awareness of their own social, economic and health care challenges. These are not helpless people. They have many of the tools they need to improve their own systems, except financial and human resources. With this in mind, Operation… Continue Reading Options are available to help developing African countries (Part 1 of 2)

Frontline workers reach remote patients in Africa (Part 2 of 2)

Categories: Communities, Kenya
Last week, I told you how many African countries are training frontline workers, including public health care staff, schoolteachers, midwives and traditional healers, to identify eye problems and other health concerns when they are working in the community. This type of community development program is highly effective in identifying health risks. When I was at… Continue Reading Frontline workers reach remote patients in Africa (Part 2 of 2)

Frontline workers reach remote patients in Africa (Part 1 of 2)

Categories: Communities, Kenya
When medical personnel are scarce and rural populations are sparse, it’s time to get creative. Basic eye care is a significant problem in many parts of Africa; in fact, sub-Saharan Africa has one of the highest rates of visual impairment and blindness in the world. Poverty, disease and lack of access to eye care all… Continue Reading Frontline workers reach remote patients in Africa (Part 1 of 2)

Companies have a role to play in social investment

Categories: News, Our Work
On March 7, I spoke to business leaders and members of the international eye care community at the launch of Operation Eyesight UK in London. We made some important connections, and the trustees of the UK board are off to a great start. We certainly want people in the UK to know that Operation Eyesight… Continue Reading Companies have a role to play in social investment

Canada to England to Iceland: worth the adventure

Categories: News, Our Work
Q: What does it take to launch a new organization? A: A blizzard, a malfunctioning airplane, multiple cancellations and a surprise visit to Iceland. You’ve heard the expression “no pain, no gain?” Well, getting the guest speaker from Calgary to London for the launch of Operation Eyesight UK last week was no easy task, but… Continue Reading Canada to England to Iceland: worth the adventure