Thanks to our donors, help is close by

Categories: Eye Surgery, Ghana

Charlotte lives in Buduburam, a refugee settlement in Ghana’s Central Region. She used to sell second-hand clothing, but given the difficulty of having to trek on foot from one sales location to the other, she decided to work as a cook in her neighbourhood instead. But when her eyesight began to deteriorate, even that job… Continue Reading Thanks to our donors, help is close by

Ghana: 2015 highlights

Categories: Ghana, Our Work

Last week we highlighted our work in India. This week, we’re excited to tell you about the great work our donors made possible in Ghana in 2015. For more 2015 highlights, you can read our newly-released Report to Donors. And be sure check back here for more updates on Kenya and Zambia in the coming… Continue Reading Ghana: 2015 highlights

Building eye health awareness in Ghana

Categories: Eye Surgery, Ghana, Prevention
Like many developing countries, Ghana faces inadequate access to eye health services, which is why we’ve been working there since 2006. Our Ghana team knows that many people are fearful of accessing eye health care because of lack of awareness, poor service, distance, affordability and long wait times. Thanks to funding from our partner Seeing… Continue Reading Building eye health awareness in Ghana

Like sister, like brother

Categories: Eyeglasses, Ghana
One of my favourite things about my job is hearing all of the good-news stories from our project areas and seeing the difference our donors are making in the countries where we work. Today I’d like to share with you the story of a sister and brother from Ghana. Priscilla, aged six, is in kindergarten.… Continue Reading Like sister, like brother

Improved vision increases a teen’s independence

Categories: Eyeglasses, Ghana, Prevention
It can be tough being a teenager at the best of times, but life is even more challenging when you cannot see properly! Seventeen-year-old Lydia Kombortaa lives in Ghana, and had been complaining of poor eyesight since was a little girl. She couldn’t see the chalkboard at school and had resorted to copying lecture notes… Continue Reading Improved vision increases a teen’s independence