Benefits of eye surgery outweigh fear

Categories: Communities, Eye Surgery, Ghana, Our Work
Fear of the unknown can be debilitating. It can hold you back from making a decision that can ultimately prove beneficial. Yet when you take a chance, the benefits can be enormous! Let me tell you about Isaac Acquah. Born and raised in the seacoast town of Apam, in the Central region of Ghana, Isaac… Continue Reading Benefits of eye surgery outweigh fear

The facts of life DON’T have to include blindness

Categories: Eye Surgery, Ghana, Our Work
Aging is a fact of life. Hair greys, limbs stiffen, skin wrinkles. We don’t like it, but we generally accept it. But you may be surprised to learn: your fate does not necessarily have to include blindness due to cataract! Let me tell you about Papa Kojo, an 82-year old farmer who has lived almost… Continue Reading The facts of life DON’T have to include blindness

That’s what friends are for…

Categories: Eye Surgery, Ghana, Our Work
What if you were destitute, blind and alone in a foreign country where no one spoke your language? How would you survive? This is the story of two friends, Alhaji and Diallo, and how their lives changed for the better, thanks to Operation Eyesight’s generous donors. Alhaji had cataracts a few years ago, and fortunately,… Continue Reading That’s what friends are for…

Blindness from ‘sugar disease’: Be aware and be safe!

Categories: Ghana, Our Work, Prevention
Did you know diabetes is the single most prevalent cause of blindness in Canada? The Canadian Diabetes Association warns that if you have diabetes, you’re more likely to develop diabetic retinopathy (serious changes to the retina). You are also more likely to develop cataracts at a younger age, and twice as likely to develop glaucoma.… Continue Reading Blindness from ‘sugar disease’: Be aware and be safe!

New eye hospital opens eyes in Ghana

Categories: Ghana, Hospitals, Our Work
When you’re a sensitive teenager, your confidence can be crippled if you are embarrassed about your appearance. With her eyelids chronically swollen with fluid, 16-year old Mansah might have remained shy and withdrawn, if it weren’t for Ghana’s Watborg Eye Hospital. “Since class one, I’ve been the subject of people talking about me because of… Continue Reading New eye hospital opens eyes in Ghana