Ridgewood Rotary brings water and opportunity to Kenyan school

Categories: Clean Water, Kenya, Our Work
Last September, we told you about Sarah Kiruri, a teacher at Kishermoruak Primary School in southern Kenya. Today we’d like to tell you about Ridgewood Rotary Club, a generous group of donors working behind the scenes to help keep Sarah’s school running smoothly. In 2008, Ridgewood Rotary, a club from New Jersey, USA, formed a… Continue Reading Ridgewood Rotary brings water and opportunity to Kenyan school

SAFE strategy helps address Millennium Development Goals (Part 2 of 2)

Categories: Clean Water, Kenya, Our Work
How does Operation Eyesight help address the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals through implementation of the SAFE strategy? (Read Part 1). The photo essay below explains how the SAFE strategy and the MDGs seek to address similar issues. (Photos taken by Ric Rowan in Narok, Kenya. Photo caption information adapted from the International Trachoma Initiative.)… Continue Reading SAFE strategy helps address Millennium Development Goals (Part 2 of 2)

Water project brings life to Kenyan village

Categories: Clean Water, Kenya, Our Work
Access to safe water and sanitation facilities in Kenya has traditionally been a challenge, particularly in rural areas. In Ichangipusi village in Narok South District, the primary source of water used to be a laga (a seasonal riverbed). Villagers would journey more than three hours to collect water from unprotected, shallow wells dug in the… Continue Reading Water project brings life to Kenyan village

A child can finally see to read!

Categories: Eyeglasses, Kenya, Our Work
When you can’t see clearly, learning to read becomes a challenge beyond a child’s ability. And when your family is so desperately poor you can’t afford food, purchasing eyeglasses becomes an impossibility. That’s where our kind-hearted donors make such a difference! Our supporters share our ongoing concern about children like Paul Omari who have vision… Continue Reading A child can finally see to read!

Teacher is “mother of cleanliness” to her students

Categories: Clean Water, Kenya, Our Work
Trachoma is a blinding eye disease that is prevalent in Kenya’s Narok District. Caused by bacterial infection, it spreads easily through contact with eye discharge from infected people on hands, towels and clothing, and also through direct transmission by flies. But trachoma can be prevented with proper sanitation – and Sarah Kiruri, a teacher at… Continue Reading Teacher is “mother of cleanliness” to her students