June is Cataract Awareness Month – Em’s Story

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Eye Surgery, Nepal, Other, Our Work
Em and her daughter in Nepal
Cataract: a clouding of the lens of the eye. In developing countries, a cataract can rob someone not only of their sight, but their livelihood and hope as well. Em was suffering from depression after her husband passed away. She was heartbroken, and nothing felt right. She was lonely, as most of her children had… Continue Reading June is Cataract Awareness Month – Em’s Story

A woman’s wish to see her family happy comes true!

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Eye Surgery, Hospitals, Nepal, Our Work
What would you do if you had an eye condition that was easily treated with a 15-minute surgery? You’d accept treatment, wouldn’t you? Maya suffered with cataracts for a year, to the point that she was forced to stop doing the things she loved, like making garlands in her free time and spending time with… Continue Reading A woman’s wish to see her family happy comes true!

We’re making a huge impact in south Asia, with your help!

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Eye Surgery, Hospitals, India, Nepal, Our Work, Prevention
Dr. Santosh Moses joined Operation Eyesight as our Programme Manager for India in 2005. Today, he’s our Regional Manager for south Asia. We admire Santosh’s knowledge, energy and expertise, and wanted to share with you what he does. Q: How do you see your role in contributing to the elimination of avoidable blindness? A: As… Continue Reading We’re making a huge impact in south Asia, with your help!

Sight restored is like being born again

Categories: Blog, Communities, Donors, Eye Surgery, Hospitals, Nepal, Our Work
Today we want to tell you the story of Jay, a 60-year-old man living in Lalitpur, Nepal with his wife and children. Jay and his family are poor, and they live in a small cottage. He does some farming and he owns a small shop. Over time, Jay’s vision started to fade. He and his family… Continue Reading Sight restored is like being born again

Happy new year! Throwback to 2017.

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Donors, Eye Surgery, Eyeglasses, Ghana, Hospitals, India, Kenya, Nepal, Our Work, Prevention, Zambia
Wow, it feels like 2017 just flew by. Can you believe it? Looking back, there’s a whole lot to celebrate when we add up what we achieved together last year. We would need to write an entire book to talk about every person you helped last year, and who knows? Maybe that will happen one… Continue Reading Happy new year! Throwback to 2017.