Donor’s Generosity Helps Others – During Her Lifetime and Beyond

Categories: Blog, Donors, Legacy donors, Other, Our Work
Woman gives to sight-saving charity organization in memory of her late blind brother
A few years ago, we were sad to say goodbye to Margaret, an incredible donor whose kindness has lasted beyond her lifetime. Margaret started giving to Operation Eyesight back in 1964. In a letter, she told us why. “My beloved brother, older than I by 10 years, went blind and soon after died from diabetes… Continue Reading Donor’s Generosity Helps Others – During Her Lifetime and Beyond

How one man turned his despair into a dream and vision for millions

Categories: Blog, Communities, Hospitals, News, Other, Our Work, Prevention
Brian Foster, former Executive Director, picture here with 10-yr-old grandson Rourke.
Brian Foster and Benny’s Restaurant enjoyed a special relationship. It’s here in this Calgary eatery that Foster imagined a plan that would shift the fortunes of a global organization. “Benny’s was my network place and a lot of ideas were hatched there,” says Foster, 70. “I solved a lot of problems over breakfast. But better… Continue Reading How one man turned his despair into a dream and vision for millions

We have text to donate!

Categories: Blog, News, Other
Text to donate operation eyesight
We’re excited to announce that giving the Gift of Sight is now easier than ever! From the comfort of your own phone, you can send us a $5 donation with a simple text! Give $5 and help us reach the unreached – and you can ask your friends to donate too, which will help us reach… Continue Reading We have text to donate!

June is Cataract Awareness Month – Em’s Story

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Eye Surgery, Nepal, Other, Our Work
Em and her daughter in Nepal
Cataract: a clouding of the lens of the eye. In developing countries, a cataract can rob someone not only of their sight, but their livelihood and hope as well. Em was suffering from depression after her husband passed away. She was heartbroken, and nothing felt right. She was lonely, as most of her children had… Continue Reading June is Cataract Awareness Month – Em’s Story

Welcome to Operation Eyesight, Aly!

Categories: Blog, Other, Our Work
Aly Bandali
We at Operation Eyesight are excited to welcome our new executive director, Aly Bandali. With an extensive background in Human Resource work in different fields, Aly is passionate about making a difference. And now he’s focusing on making a difference in the lives of people living with avoidable blindness in Africa and South Asia. “My… Continue Reading Welcome to Operation Eyesight, Aly!