A big heart for the people – this community health volunteer is changing lives.

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Eye Surgery, Hospitals, Other, Our Work, Zambia
A community health worker in Zambia
Catherine was overjoyed when she heard about the opportunity to become a community health volunteer with Operation Eyesight. However, Catherine’s family was not so thrilled. “Why would you want to work for free?” They would ask her. “I volunteer because I’m helping people. It’s my dream come true!” Catherine says. She always wanted to help… Continue Reading A big heart for the people – this community health volunteer is changing lives.

May is Healthy Vision Month

Categories: Blog, Other, Uncategorized
Indian boy having his eyes examined by a community health worker
Did you know that May is Healthy Vision Month? As an organization that works with people who lack ready access to eye health care or education, Operation Eyesight feels strongly about eye health and safety. We’re motivated by the fact that many eye health issues occur because of a lack of knowledge. That’s a big… Continue Reading May is Healthy Vision Month

Thank you to our volunteers!

Categories: Blog, Other, Volunteers
National Volunteer Week 2018
Many hands really do make light work – and we’re incredibly grateful for the many volunteer hands in our Calgary office. We currently have 18 office volunteers who help us with various projects on a weekly basis. They approach each task with a fun, can-do attitude, and it’s thanks to them that we’re able to reach… Continue Reading Thank you to our volunteers!

This light shines brightly once more with the Gift of Sight!

Categories: Blog, Eye Surgery, Ghana, Hospitals, Other, Our Work
A man from Ghana receives sight-restoring cataract surgery.
“I thought about ending my life. It was better than living in such misery, depending on my wife to take care of me.” Said Kwaku, a 75-year-old man from a small town in Ghana. Kwaku is speaking about his eye injury. A spark flew into his eye from a lit match while he was working… Continue Reading This light shines brightly once more with the Gift of Sight!

Sustainable Development? For the Elimination of Avoidable Blindness

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Donors, Hospitals, India, Other, Our Work
Community Health Worker screening patient's eyes
At Operation Eyesight, we are committed to providing the best for the poorest in quality eye health care on a sustainable basis. What does that mean? It means that we want to make sure the people we help can continue to receive the care they need and deserve, even after we’ve moved on to run… Continue Reading Sustainable Development? For the Elimination of Avoidable Blindness